Conflict Resolution in Milwaukee, WI

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Our founder, Mr. Wendell J. Harris, is known for his activist work and extensive years of experience helping the community in Milwaukee, WI. At his organization, Wendell J. Harris, Inc, he strives to provide the highest quality of service to the people he serves to help them become reasoning, self-sufficient, and productive members of their communities. Mr. Harris is a service provider that works on conflict resolution, mediation, and creating peace.

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Wendell J. Harris Activist Work

Mr. Wendell J. Harris is known for his valued activist work with several organizations, including Humanist Ministries, which is spearheading the development of a new initiative known as the Community Campaign to Save Our Children. The campaign is an effort to mobilize Milwaukee's African American community around the issue of making our neighborhoods safe for children and preventing the spread of youth violence.  Mr. Harris has also partnered with MPS for nearly four years, where it has implemented the "Ambassadors for Peace Program" in the Community, DIAL, and Transitional High Schools. Through education, peace methods training, conflict resolution, advocacy, peer mediation, and restorative justice conferencing, the program aims to mobilize youth in our schools towards youth violence prevention and provide one-on-one interventions and group training services to young people.

Wendell J. Harris Publications

Wendell J. Harris has authored two books his life story titled Saved Myself from Myself For The Sake of my Children ,By the Grace of God.

The Power of Dreams. With 13 Steps to make your dreams become your reality.

(Both books can be purchased on Amazon)

 The Wendell J. Harris, Sr. Story is a liberating tool that will help readers reclaim their lost dreams. Some of the tools you will find in this book are strategies that helped the author end a 15-year dependency on alcohol and other drugs. Following the twelve steps of alcoholics anonymous for 25 years, he was able to face his past: the good, bad, and ugly, and remain sober.

More about the work of Wendell J. Harris.

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